46 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKNama: Cut FauziahProgram Studi: Kedokteran GigiJudul: Perubahan Warna Email Gigi Setelah Aplikasi Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa Bilimbi) dan Karbamid Peroksida 10% sebagai Bahan Dental Bleaching.Gigi yang mengalami perubahan warna dapat dilakukan perawatan dengan dental bleaching. Penggunaan bahan bleaching kimiawi dapat menimbulkan efek samping seperti gigi sensitif dan iritasi gingiva sehingga dilakukan penelitian untuk mencari alternatif bahan dental bleaching alami. Belimbing wuluh mengandung senyawa peroksida dan asam oksalat sehingga diduga dapat memutihkan gigi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan warna email gigi setelah aplikasi belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi) dan karbamid peroksida 10% sebagai bahan dental bleaching. Penelitian ini menggunakan gigi premolar post-ekstraksi sebanyak 20 spesimen (10 spesimen kelompok aplikasi belimbing wuluh dan 10 spesimen kelompok aplikasi karbamid peroksida 10%). Setelah dilakukan aplikasi, spesimen disimpan dalam inkubator (T 370C) selama 2 jam, kemudian dicuci dan dimasukkan ke dalam aquades untuk disimpan kembali dalam inkubator (T 370C). perlakuan diulangi selama 14 hari. Perubahan warna diamati oleh 5 orang pengamat dengan menggunakan Shade Guide. Hasil penelitian dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Secara kualitatif, terjadi perubahan warna yang bervariasi pada kelompok aplikasi belimbing wuluh yaitu dari warna A3 berubah menjadi C1, A2, D2, B2 dan B1. Pada kelompok aplikasi karbamid peroksida terjadi perubahan warna yang homogen yaitu dari warna A3 berubah menjadi B1. Analisis secara kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji non parametrik Wilcoxon dan Mann-Whitney. Uji Wilcoxon menunjukkan perubahan warna yang signifikan sebelum dan setelah aplikasi belimbing wuluh (p.0,005) dan karbamid peroksida 10% (p.0,004). Uji non parametrik Mann-Whitney menunjukkan perubahan warna yang signifikan setelah diaplikasi belimbing wuluh dan karbamid peroksida 10% (p.0,002). Ada perubahan warna setelah aplikasi belimbing wuluh dan karbamid peroksida 10%, dimana karbamid peroksida 10% memberikan perubahan warna yang lebih besar.Kata Kunci: Belimbing wuluh, karbamid peroksida 10%, dental bleaching


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    This article discused about Qiraat Alquran from the narrator side to determine is this Qiraat accepted or rejected. In Quranic Sciences it is know as Qiraah Sabā€™ah, there are 3 requirements must be fulfilled by Qiraat in order tobe acccepted they are : its sanad must be mutawatir, which is accepted by the trusted teachers, has no problem inside, and has continuation link to prophet Muhammad saw., it also has to be famous among  the Qiraat members, and compatible with arabic grammar. Qiraat  Sabā€™ah is the Qiraah which has perfect continuation, which tranferred from  prophet  Muhammad saw. by a group of people who disagree to prevaricate, Qiraat Mutawatir is alegitimate and official qiraah from Alquran it is allowed to read during prayer or outside prayer using  these rules of Qiraat

    AT-TIJARAH (PERDAGANGAN) DALAM ALQURAN (Studi Komparatif Tafsir Jamiā€˜ Li Ahkam Alquran dan Tafsir Al-Mishbah)

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    Trade always plays a vital role in the social and economic life of human beings of all tim, so that business interests will influence the behavior of all the individual, social, and any regional, national, and international. This studys is based on constituent concerns in view of the condition of trade problems both in the Islamic world in particular and the international community at large. The method used is the muqaran method to see the comparison between the opinion of al- Qurtubi and Quraish Shihab about tijarah  (trade) in the Quran so as to see visible differences or similarities, especially in terms of both methodology and interpretation. Therefore, the author of this study is expected to be able to analyze the opinion of al-Qurtubi and that of M. Quraish Shihab about tijarah (trade) and how hung of related to the principle of tijarah (trade) so as to formulate how to trade in accordance with the commandments of God and His Messenger. The equation of the two interpreters that they  equally say that the verses were revealed on issues discussed on tijarah (trade). In terms of methodology  they interpret the verse interpretation paragraph in accordance with the Quran, but the explanations are the different al-Qurtubi also use the narrations of the earlier scholars, historians and israiliyat narrators, and so forth, while Quraish Shihab explain these verses by including the views of previous scholars both from the clergy,  Sunni and Shiite ulama. Differences in interpretation between al-Qurtubi and Quraish Shihab verses above, al-Qurtubi said these verses describe tijarah (trade) over the fore with the legal aspects, it is seen as the interpretation that he did indeed use a style of interpretation fiqh , al-Qurtubi says that the origin of the fallacy is also known as the forgotten, forgot to get directions and to forget that which it is traded hints and error, so it is clear that al-Qurtubi put forward it directly to the trade laws of God that is with include guidance and misguidance. While the Quraish Shihab said that the trade should be established with a willingness between sellers and buyers, although compliance is nothing hidden in my heart, but the indicators and signs can be seen. Consent and granted or what is known in the customs of the handover are the forms that are used to demonstrate compliance


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    Artikel ini membahas tentang penentuan kualitas hadis dari sisi perawi yang akan menentukan apakah sebuah hadis itu bisa dijadikan hujjah atau tidak. Dalam ilmu muį¹£į¹­alaįø„ hadis, dikenal sebuah istilah yang bernama iā€˜tibār. Sebelum dilakukannya iā€˜tibār terlebih dahulu dilakukan kegiatan takhrÄ«j hadis sebagai langkah awal penelitian untuk hadis yang akan diteliti, maka seluruh sanad hadis dicatat dan dihimpun untuk kemudian dilakukan kegiatan iā€˜tibar. Iā€˜tibār berarti penelitian literatur hadis untuk mencari dan mengkaji kualitas hadis yang ditulis dalam literatur hadis tersebut. Artinya, kualitas sebuah hadis bisa dilihat berdasarkan tinjauan terhadap keberadaan hadis tersebut dalam literatur hadisnya, dengan jalan mengobservasi rawi yang sama antara sebuah hadis dengan hadis lain, atau mengenai suatu matan hadis yang bersesuaian atau menguatkan terhadap matan hadis yang lain. Dengan dilakukannya iā€˜tibār sanad, maka akan terlihat dengan jelas seluruh jalur sanad hadis yang diteliti, demikian juga nama-nama periwayatnya, dan metode periwayatan yang digunakan oleh masing-masing periwayat yang bersangkutan. Jadi, kegunaan iā€˜tibār adalah untuk mengetahui keadaan sanad hadis seluruhnya dilihat dari ada atau tidak adanya pendukung berupa periwayat yang berstatus mutābiā€˜ atau syāhid

    At-tijarah (Perdagangan) dalam Alquran (Studi Komparatif Tafsir Jamiā€˜ Li Ahkam Alquran dan Tafsir Al-mishbah)

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    Trade always plays a vital role in the social and economic life of human beings of all tim, so that business interests will influence the behavior of all the individual, social, and any regional, national, and International. This studys is based on constituent concerns in view of the condition of trade problems both in the Islamic world in particular and the International community at large. The method used is the muqaran method to see the comparison between the opinion of al- Qurtubi and Quraish Shihab about tijarah  (trade) in the Quran so as to see visible differences or similarities, especially in terms of both methodology and interpretation. Therefore, the author of this study is expected to be able to analyze the opinion of al-Qurtubi and that of M. Quraish Shihab about tijarah (trade) and how hung of related to the principle of tijarah (trade) so as to formulate how to trade in accordance with the commandments of God and His Messenger. The equation of the two interpreters that they  equally say that the verses were revealed on issues discussed on tijarah (trade). In terms of methodology  they interpret the verse interpretation paragraph in accordance with the Quran, but the explanations are the different al-Qurtubi also use the narrations of the earlier scholars, historians and israiliyat narrators, and so forth, while Quraish Shihab explain these verses by including the views of previous scholars both from the clergy,  Sunni and Shiite ulama. Differences in interpretation between al-Qurtubi and Quraish Shihab verses above, al-Qurtubi said these verses describe tijarah (trade) over the fore with the legal aspects, it is seen as the interpretation that he did indeed use a style of interpretation fiqh , al-Qurtubi says that the origin of the fallacy is also known as the forgotten, forgot to get directions and to forget that which it is traded hints and error, so it is clear that al-Qurtubi put forward it directly to the trade laws of God that is with include guidance and misguidance. While the Quraish Shihab said that the trade should be established with a willingness between sellers and buyers, although compliance is nothing hidden in my heart, but the indicators and signs can be seen. Consent and granted or what is known in the customs of the handover are the forms that are used to demonstrate compliance

    Evaluation of the Wettability Characteristics of CO2-Brine-Rock-Clay Mineral Systems: Implications for CO2 Sequestration

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    This research evaluated the wettability characteristics of CO2-brine-rock-clay mineral systems. Wettability is the key physicochemical factor that controls multiphase flow in porous media and influences geological containment security and storage capacities. The study aimed at accurately characterising the wettability of rock and minerals in the presence of CO2 and brine. This work will improve prediction of CO2 storage capacity and containment security, which has important implications for assessing the feasibility of long-term CO2 sequestration projects


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    Program Magister Sistem Informasi (MSI) Undip memiliki proses seleksi dan kriteriakriteria tertentu untuk mengetahui tingkat kompetensi dari calon mahasiswa baru yang akan dipilih. Mekanisme penyeleksian mahasiswa baru pada MSI masih belum memanfaatkan teknologi informasi sehingga perlu dikembangkan sistem pendukung keputusan yang dapat membantu dalam penyeleksian mahasiswa baru serta mempermudah dalam hal manajemen pengelolaan penyeleksian. Penelitian ini menghasilkan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) dengan metode AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) dan SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) berbasis web. AHP digunakan untuk menentukan bobot dari kriteria calon mahasiswa yaitu wawancara, TPA (Tes Potensi Akademik), dan pengetahuan Bahasa Inggris, sedangkan SAW digunakan sebagai langkah akhir sehingga menghasilkan peringkat nilai tertinggi ke terendah calon mahasiswa berdasarkan kriteria tersebut. Sistem ini dikembangkan dengan model Unified Process dan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan bantuan framework CodeIgniter. Terdapat 4 (empat) pengguna pada sistem ini yaitu staff, penyeleksi, ketua prodi, dan pengunjung. Data yang digunakan sebagai uji coba adalah data pendaftar mahasiswa baru tahun 2015 gelombang I dan menghasilkan tingkat akurasi sebesar 88.24%


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    This study aimed to determine the analysis of fairness and incentive contracting on performance-based budget testing experiments. The data used in this research were primary data. The population in this study consisted of 59 postgraduate students who were on Lancang Garam St, postgraduate campus of Malikussaleh University with an observation period starting from 2017-2018. The sampling method was purposive sampling. The number of samples that meet the research criteria based on existing considerations was that all postgraduate students management in science during 2017-2018 as many as 59 respondents. The method used to analyze the relationship between independent variables and the dependent variable was Multiple linear regression analysis and Classical assumption test. The test results showed that the planning variable was accepted because the value was significantly higher, namely the difference between fairness and budget-based performance, while the other side is accepted also because it was seen from a significantly higher value that was with the difference between fairness towards the budget process, which has been studied from 59 students on the postgraduate campus of Malikussaleh University

    Perangkat untuk Pengajaran Efektif

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    Perangkat pembelajaran adalah suatu perlengkapan yang buat dan disajikan guru ketika ingin memulai pembelajaran. Metode pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literatur. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu perangkat pembelajaran mencakup media pembelajaran, silabus, skenario pembelajaran, RPP, sumber belajar, perangkat penilaian. Permendikbud menjelaskan bahwa RPP merupakan meteri pokok yang dirancang sesuai dengan isi silabus yang kemudian diolah dan dikembangkan dengan terperinci. Tugas-tugas yang diberikan dalam LKS yang dikerjakan oleh siswa harus berkompetensi dasar. Pentingnya penggunaan media pendidikan dalam mencapai tujuan pendidikan sangatlah penting. Penilaian terhadap kompetensi pengetahuan, kompetensi sikap dan kompetensi keterampilan merupakan konsep dari kurikulum pedoman umum pembelajaran. Pada konsep-konsep yang dapat digunakan sebagai solusi dalam mengatasi masalah pembelajaran harus berdasarkan pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran. Harapan pembelajaran dapat dicapai oleh siswa dengan baik dengan adanya pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan jumlah pteridophyta, jenis pteridophyta epifit dan teresterial serta jenis pteridophyta dimorfisme yang terdapat di kawasan Wisata Brayeun. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni hingga Juli tahun 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei eksploratif dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian: (1) Terdapat 23 Jenis pteridophyta yang tergolong kedalam 13 familia (2) Pada Kawasan Wisata Brayeun ditemukan 15 jenis  pteridophyta yang hidup secara teresterial dan 6 jenis pteridophyta yang hidup secara epifit yaitu Drymoglossum piloselloides, Drynaria quercifolia, Microsorium fortunei, Pyrrosia lanceolata, Aspelium nidus dan Davalia trichomanoides (3) ditemukan 4 jenis pteridophyta dimorfisme yaitu Stenochlaena palustris, Pteris ensiformis, Drymoglossum piloselloides dan Drynaria quercifolia